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Poor waste management in developing countries has detrimental effects on public health, environmental circumstances, credibility of public authorities and international appriciation. Providing a solid backbone of municipal waste services in urban areas is paramount. Such a backbone should comprise city cleaning and waste collection reaching every part of the city. And with it should come: proper landfilling, basic recycling and composting and robust organisations, governance and finance. Densely populated metropolitan areas provide the economy of scale needed for setting up these services and this infrastructure in an affordable manner.


BreAd supports companies, organisations and authorities with knowledge services that will enable them to improve their performance in Solid Waste Management. These services include consultancy, market research, development of projects and business, training and management.

  • The services of BreAd are performed by Hans Breukelman. His expertise is fuelled by a 35 years career in the field of waste management, soil remediation and water treatment. Hans is an experienced chemical and environmental engineer (MSc) and throughout his career he worked as consultant, researcher, business developer, managing director and shareholder.


  • Ever since 2008 he has been working on international assignments relating to solid waste management in developing countries. He has done so as a chairman of the Foundation HandsforWaste and as a self employed private consultant performing waste projects for companies and organisations in Mexico, Bolivia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Burundi, Egypt, Turkey, Tanzania, Myanmar and Guatemala.


  • His resume will be sent to you on request. It will provide you with an overview of these, and former, activities.

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