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In May 2018 BreAd, together with CCS, performed a fact-finding mission on solid waste management to Algeria.  It showed that Algeria is a country with a good potential for the waste management industry and consultancy bureaus. Legislation is in place, the basic infrastructure has already been developed and responsibilities are clear. Although the financial backbone of the SWM system is still very weak, all parties realise that waste treatment and its governance should go to the next level. 


There are good opportunities for companies with regard to waste collection (expertise on separate collection, logistics and waste transfer, provision of sub-soil containers and improved collection equipment and vehicles), recycling (provision of separation technologies and composting, marketing of PET waste), wastewater and water management (expertise and provision of composting technologies) and remediation technologies (in situ and on site remediation)

The private sector is present and active. They are interested in more sophisticated suppliers with niche products and key parts of installations. 


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