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Feasibility of Waste to Energy facilities in Cambodia

UNCDF is anticipating to provide financing for a WtE initiative in Cambodia in the provinces of Banteay Meanchey, Siem Reap and Battambang in the Northwest of Cambodia. The facility will have to serve four goals: (i) to reduce waste volumes that have to be landfilled, (ii) to reduce related GHG emissions, (iii) to contribute to the country’s electricity production and (iv) to contribute to the workforce in the region.




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BreAd advised to focus on an infrastructure of two transfer facilities and a central treatment facility comprising a reception station, pre-treatment, a furnace, boiler and turbine/generator and post-treatment of residues. Organics, separated in the pre-treatment, will be transported for bio-stabilization to the landfill. The overall capacity will be 215.000 tons of waste per year of which 6.000 tons eventually will be landfilled. The project will produce an annual output of 85.000 MWh of electricity, 4.000 tons of recyclable metals, 30.000 tons of re-usable slags and 20.000 tons of landfill coverage material.

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